Monday, 10 November 2008


The apartheidregime in South Africa did not fall as a result of a foreign invasion.
An economic strangulation of the companies that heat up under the warlords in Congo could be a solution to get the peace we want there.
This worked very well against apartheid, and could perhaps disciplined some rouge companies too.

Of course atrocities would not be terminated immediately even if the warlords were out of money, but…and it is an important but…the weaponsdealers is not any philanthropists; arms merchants will have their cash for the goods.

Less “business” and less arms.
Less blood money and less murder.

The socalled "leadership" in the companies that serves us the bloodmoney should be hung by the media.
As the leadership in South Africa under apartheid was also hung out.
It should be embarrassing for decent people to work for the companies that serves us the bloodmoney from Congo.

(And embarrassing to be married to someone who works there and so on)

Evil (and financial support to the evil) must simply be quite costly.
Evil must be quite costly in all kinds of ways.

Did you think that ethics were for free?

Any humanitarian invasion in Congo is only a dream.
To drive a moral and economic warfare against Congo’s bloodmoneycompanies is possible thou.

To resolve this issue with increased immigration from Africa to Europe is no valid solution at all; let us rather go for the socalled “business” witch drives this war on and on forever.

The business of murder and rape, the business of blood.

Hit were it hurts: Silver and gold.