Tuesday, 5 August 2008


For all the men that are suckers for them shiny medals and fancy orders: Rafael Leonidas Trujillo's tha King with a pretty large K.
No one better - Or maybe Idi Amin?
The theme of the day is the Dominican Republic in the years 1930 - 1961.
The so-called Era de Trujillo.

The Dominican Republic:

More than half of the island of Hispaniola to the east. On Tjujillo `s time there lived 3 million people there.
The capital city is called Santo Domingo, and it held under Trujillo some 300 000 inhabitants. The capital was renamed Ciudad Trujillo, as long as the fat little caudillo led his country.
After the latin-American level the agriculture was effective; or at least so before caudillo numero uno took charge.

A Quisling:

Don Rafael served as an informant and a spy for the U.S. Marine Corps `s when it made landfall in Santo Domingo during WW I.
U.S. gave thanks for the inconvenience with a nod of recognition when Mr.Caudillo did a coupe`d etat against his own in 1930.
Fancy titles then hailed: El Benefactor, El jefe ilustre, His Exellense, the Dominican Republic Top Fieldmarshall, the country's president of honour, Master of economic independence, and so on.

The Caudillo also had the most well-developed taste for good business.
He ordered everyone in the nation to paint their houses every year.
The colouring was produced by the family Trujillo.
All workers and the clerks was required to buy the ticket in the Loteria Nacional, and was drawn in wages in order to make it easy.
(Guess who owned the lottery)
The beer Cerveza Presidente Trujillo - guess who owned it?

Trujillo's only concern was a certain enemy in Cuba.
The Cuban received much criticism for his government.
Trujillo on his side was hailed as the faithful anti-Socialist, he definitely was.
Proportional with the growing heaps of goods and gold in the dictators treasury, grew bunches of corpses after his political deeds.
This crime did happen to tumultuous applause from the U.S. and the Americanes subservient fools in Europe.
Cleptocracy and Plutocracy are the words we're looking for.
Business my ass.

Rather quasi familyvalues:

Our caudillo was in such manner fully consistent with the standard.
His son Ramfis was, for example, was appointed a colonel 3-year-old.
At 6-anniversary had Ramfis the title of unhappy child's true protector.
All parents in this asylum of a nation had 100 pesos as a gift from the dictator if they called their own sons Ramfis.

The End:

31.Mai 1961 ran Rafael Leonidas Trujillo on a road to his 19-year-old mistress.
A truck suddenly blocked the road, as the caudillo`s driver desperately tried to escape.
At the same time bullets were hailing over the dictators car.
The driver was felt first, and Trujillo even jumped out of the back seat and fired of his pistol against attackers from the hip.

How he died. With more than 40 bullets in the body.
Living by the sword and all that...

Ramfis took with him El Benefactor in a cool freezer, and then traveled along with the entire Trujillo-clan to Europe by boat.
With them bringing some 135 million dollars.
The family Trujillo kept them money.
Private ownership had to be respected in Europe, they said.

And many europeans still thought Fidel Castro to be a real bad guy.
Who would stop the socialism from here?
When El Benefactor was no longer with us?

The United States had its concerns.
But the people of the Dominican Republic was happy.
And the capital got back its old name.

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