Thursday, 2 December 2010

Do not worry Assange: Canute is behind you.

The Wikileaks' disclosures are truly a merry parade march of peoples power.
Do not mix it with radical protests or cranky activism.
And the world elite is very irritated.
People Vs. Power: 1-0.

Despite persistent attempts to gag and pursue Wikileaks, we are all now talking openly about what the world powers wants to keep hidden.
Of course The Big Ones tries to give Wikileaks the tag "harmless", "unimportant" or other debilitating forecasts.
It do not help them, fortunately.

Internal notes from plenty a diplomatic corps, gives a vivid picture of the communication at the top.
It is predictable, but it still changes nothing.
For this is not Condon, Le Carré or Grisham, this is reality.

The public reactions on Wikileaks also reveals who you work for.
The power or the people?
One must choose ones loyalty.

Powermen wants littlepeople to believe that they have access.
But they would never actually give it away.
Perhaps the power is also supported by the mainstream press.

Powermen wants to entrust the most important questions to the shadows, where only those with high education, great power and large network are sitting around the table.
This powerview believes that the elite have to take care of ordinary peoples business, for those who are not fit to know their own good.

The second view we can call the People's Vision.
We want, at all times, the very most transparency.
The very most insight into absolute all the processes of power.
But more importantly, we want the very most influence.
Not influence for those who call themselves the people, but for those who really are the people.
Now, of course, no leaks and information gives us direct political influence, but they represent a small but essential first step on the road.

Wikileaks work provides a huge hope to those of us who believe in the people.
The leaks gives us no groundbreaking victory for individual cases, but here there is a fundamental and historic victory for what we call "ordinary people".
A great victory for guys and girls on the floor, which, in spite of a life-long working stroke for the state and the moneymen, do not get to influence anything, anything ever.

Viva Wikileaks.
