Monday, 10 November 2008


The apartheidregime in South Africa did not fall as a result of a foreign invasion.
An economic strangulation of the companies that heat up under the warlords in Congo could be a solution to get the peace we want there.
This worked very well against apartheid, and could perhaps disciplined some rouge companies too.

Of course atrocities would not be terminated immediately even if the warlords were out of money, but…and it is an important but…the weaponsdealers is not any philanthropists; arms merchants will have their cash for the goods.

Less “business” and less arms.
Less blood money and less murder.

The socalled "leadership" in the companies that serves us the bloodmoney should be hung by the media.
As the leadership in South Africa under apartheid was also hung out.
It should be embarrassing for decent people to work for the companies that serves us the bloodmoney from Congo.

(And embarrassing to be married to someone who works there and so on)

Evil (and financial support to the evil) must simply be quite costly.
Evil must be quite costly in all kinds of ways.

Did you think that ethics were for free?

Any humanitarian invasion in Congo is only a dream.
To drive a moral and economic warfare against Congo’s bloodmoneycompanies is possible thou.

To resolve this issue with increased immigration from Africa to Europe is no valid solution at all; let us rather go for the socalled “business” witch drives this war on and on forever.

The business of murder and rape, the business of blood.

Hit were it hurts: Silver and gold.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Barac Obama: President of The United States of America

Thursday, 2 October 2008


Please take the time to ask yourself: Does you really trust your own government?

(I did not think so)

Instead of trusting your ever so corrupted and sosiopathic "rulers" you should rather trust the conventional wisdom of Canute.
When I make my analyzis of any matter, I`m always right.
I shit you not: I`m really always right.

Nelson Mandela is now a man of old age.
He wont live forever.

When Mister Mandela dies, there will really be game over for any whites left in Africa in general; and in South Africa especially.

Any whites then left will perish in an orgy of torture and violence.
Are kangaroos really that bad?
Why stay and die?

Run mates. Times up soon.

Trust Canute.

`Cause he cares.

Saturday, 13 September 2008


"Some of them should be put behind bars"says Sheriff Torstein Dahle, who goes by the nickname Old Red.

The Sheriffs Department goes by Økokrim since the experienced lawman do not trust the corrupt Stortinget to make an trustworthy and responible inquiry themselves.
Old Red goes to Økokrim because he and his deputies really does not trust that the Parliament itself can make a credible and responsible investigation.

– "It is only the police that can make the impartial investigation that this matter now requires.
Should the Parliament do that themselves, it will be like the goat and the oats.
Neither is an external investigation good enough" says Old Red to NTB.

Old Red was at the reception to Økokrim with a haul of photographers following him and his deputy.
Handing over this warrant was a fairly trivial signing, and no one from Økokrim management met the sheriff.
Dahle refers to the Riksrevisjonen report, which named six former politicians to be drawn up in connection with the improper payment from the million dollar heist at the norwegian parliament.

- "But we want that all the 42 representatives who had such a pension during the period 1998-2008, should be investigated.
There are a few cases of deliberate cheating, in this case, it's pure fraud. In other cases, there may be held back relevant information, and it's a case of gross negligence, with a possible punishment of two years behind bars" Dahle says.

Dahle reports that he himself and the sheriffs deparment has received a stream of protests from ordinary people who have been punished very hard because of minimal exceed the trygderegelverket.

- "People are furious and upset. I have seldom experienced similar powerful reactions" says Old Red.

Parliament's presidency comes together to discuss the further handling of the matter.
It is expected that the investigation by Parliament's practice will be put out to external experts in law and pension benefits, but nothing is ever certain in the corrupted oil-monarchy of Norway.

All the scoundrels are still at large, and the villains also have many a friend in high places.
And they`ve all taken their booty with them, them rouge politicians.
This would possibly be the norwegian heist of the century.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Tuesday, 5 August 2008


For all the men that are suckers for them shiny medals and fancy orders: Rafael Leonidas Trujillo's tha King with a pretty large K.
No one better - Or maybe Idi Amin?
The theme of the day is the Dominican Republic in the years 1930 - 1961.
The so-called Era de Trujillo.

The Dominican Republic:

More than half of the island of Hispaniola to the east. On Tjujillo `s time there lived 3 million people there.
The capital city is called Santo Domingo, and it held under Trujillo some 300 000 inhabitants. The capital was renamed Ciudad Trujillo, as long as the fat little caudillo led his country.
After the latin-American level the agriculture was effective; or at least so before caudillo numero uno took charge.

A Quisling:

Don Rafael served as an informant and a spy for the U.S. Marine Corps `s when it made landfall in Santo Domingo during WW I.
U.S. gave thanks for the inconvenience with a nod of recognition when Mr.Caudillo did a coupe`d etat against his own in 1930.
Fancy titles then hailed: El Benefactor, El jefe ilustre, His Exellense, the Dominican Republic Top Fieldmarshall, the country's president of honour, Master of economic independence, and so on.

The Caudillo also had the most well-developed taste for good business.
He ordered everyone in the nation to paint their houses every year.
The colouring was produced by the family Trujillo.
All workers and the clerks was required to buy the ticket in the Loteria Nacional, and was drawn in wages in order to make it easy.
(Guess who owned the lottery)
The beer Cerveza Presidente Trujillo - guess who owned it?

Trujillo's only concern was a certain enemy in Cuba.
The Cuban received much criticism for his government.
Trujillo on his side was hailed as the faithful anti-Socialist, he definitely was.
Proportional with the growing heaps of goods and gold in the dictators treasury, grew bunches of corpses after his political deeds.
This crime did happen to tumultuous applause from the U.S. and the Americanes subservient fools in Europe.
Cleptocracy and Plutocracy are the words we're looking for.
Business my ass.

Rather quasi familyvalues:

Our caudillo was in such manner fully consistent with the standard.
His son Ramfis was, for example, was appointed a colonel 3-year-old.
At 6-anniversary had Ramfis the title of unhappy child's true protector.
All parents in this asylum of a nation had 100 pesos as a gift from the dictator if they called their own sons Ramfis.

The End:

31.Mai 1961 ran Rafael Leonidas Trujillo on a road to his 19-year-old mistress.
A truck suddenly blocked the road, as the caudillo`s driver desperately tried to escape.
At the same time bullets were hailing over the dictators car.
The driver was felt first, and Trujillo even jumped out of the back seat and fired of his pistol against attackers from the hip.

How he died. With more than 40 bullets in the body.
Living by the sword and all that...

Ramfis took with him El Benefactor in a cool freezer, and then traveled along with the entire Trujillo-clan to Europe by boat.
With them bringing some 135 million dollars.
The family Trujillo kept them money.
Private ownership had to be respected in Europe, they said.

And many europeans still thought Fidel Castro to be a real bad guy.
Who would stop the socialism from here?
When El Benefactor was no longer with us?

The United States had its concerns.
But the people of the Dominican Republic was happy.
And the capital got back its old name.

Friday, 18 July 2008


I remember there once lived elephants proud and free in the jungle.
No one could threaten them, and people treated them almost like supernatural beings, when they proudly entered the herd and trumpeted their arrival at the watering.

Much later the people found out how they could tame these mighty animals, and not long afterwards went elephants log through the jungle, and transported the people secure over unsafe rivers.
Kings and nobles loved their elephants, and paraded them happy with the beautiful costumes in nice colors; demonstrating their right to the throne from the elephants back.
Was there ever a war, the elephants went in the frontlines to take off the worst.
Later came the computers, and the elephants were oldfashioned.

Machines was now able to work at night as well as during the day, and even if the elephants were big and strong they needed to rest sometimes.
They needed to bathe in the river, they needed to play and gathering with other elephants.

Nobles did not fancy elephants as well as before.
Machinery and tall buildings gave them the gloss they needed, and the weapons were now so strong that not even elephants managed to stand up against them.

Today many elephants make their living through carrying tourists on their mighty back, and they dream about the old times.
Because there no longer is so much suitable work for the elephants, they are often led into the wild jungle and set free.

There those tame elephants will have to make it for themselves.

As well as they can.

Monday, 2 June 2008


The imperialism emerged as a further development and direct continuation of capitalism.
The economic fundamental in this process is that the capitalist monopoly supersede the capitalist free competition.
The free competition is the hallmarks of capitalism and production at all.
Monopoly is the free competition directly opposed, but the free competition may even turn into a monopoly (as it created the corporate word) so displacing small businesses, large enterprises replaced with even greater; in short made the concentration of production and capital so extreme that the monopoly was and ever occurs : cartellis, syndicates and trusts formed with the assistance of capital from billionbanking and private super-rich individuals.

We see that the monopoly does not remove the free competition which they have grown out of, but is next to it, and in this way creates a number of very sharp contradictions and conflicts.
Monopoly is the transition from capitalism into a new world order.
Should a chance to present such a short definition of imperialism as possible, so it had to be that imperialism is capitalism's monopolistic stadium.
This definition would include concern: On the one hand, financial capital and the bankcapital that are melted together with the monopolistic industrialcorporations capital, and which are concentrated in a few monopolistic great banks and oligarchs.
On the other hand, is the world's division transition from a colonial politics that unimpeded could sprawl over routes that no capitalist power had yet possessed, to a colonial politics which is made up of the monopolistic command of a sphere that has already been done split.

Too short definitions are enough to be practical in the sense that it sums up what's important, but they`re still insufficient, as soon as one would like to derive specific and substantive aspects of the phenomenon one should define.
Therefore, we must - without forgetting that all the definitions have only conditional and relative importance, because a definition can never cover all of the multiple relationships that exist in a mature happening - give a definition of imperialism that includes the following five of its most important characteristics:

1. A concentration of production and capital that has reached such a high level of development that it has created definitive monopoly in the global economy.

2. Bankingcapital is fused with industrialcapital, and on the basis of this "financialcapital" it's created a financial plutocracy.

3. Capitalexport, unlike export of consumer goods, are receiving special treatment.

4. There is international monopolistic capitalistclubs that sharing the world between them.

5. Earth's territorial division between the capitalistic great powers is coming to an end.

Imperialism is capitalism at the development where financecapitals domination and monopoly is created, in which capitalexport have been given prominent importance, in which the world's division between the international financial mafia has begun, and the division of the earth's total territory between the capitalist countries is completed.

And so it is with that matter.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008


Georgieboy je ferai de mon devoir.
Je vous spank dur et je vais secouer mon âne.
Je frapperai vers le bas sur vous
Vous volé l'élection
d` Al Gore.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008




Britannia rule?


Nice Colour


Rubber Gloves

Saturday, 1 March 2008






Right on!

Friday, 22 February 2008


American Fury

Thursday, 21 February 2008


Wednesday, 20 February 2008


Saturday, 16 February 2008


Friday, 15 February 2008


Red and yellow

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Wednesday, 30 January 2008